The New Mexico Chapter of the BMW CCA held the 2020 Annual Karl Fox Memorial Fall Tour on Sunday, October 11, 2020. Turnout was good for the tour, with thirteen cars and over twenty participants – including four eventually-to-be-BMW-drivers from both the Durham and Looney families. It’s nice to see these driving tours becoming a family outing, it’s never too early to start indoctrination. Our drive explored the scenic Cibola County areas West of Grants, New Mexico around El Malpais National Monument and El Morro National Monument. Highlights included a hike on the Lava Falls trail and a photo opportunity at the base of La Ventana Natural Arch, one of New Mexico’s largest natural arches. Lunch was provided by the Chapter at the Ancient Way Café in El Morro, where the pie was so good we had to start lunch with dessert and work our way backwards. Highly recommended!

Photos by Jason Collin
Photos by Phil Undercuffler

Jason Collin Photography