In Memoriam – Monika Fuchs Fox

Photo of Monika Fuchs Fox

We were saddened to hear of the death on Jan. 18, 2020 of Monika Fuchs Fox, longtime BMW enthusiast and member of the New Mexico Chapter of the BMW CCA Board of Directors. Monika was the daughter of Dieter Fox and the late Jacqueline Fuchs Fox, founders of the New Mexico Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America (1987). Monika worked with her father at Dieter’s German Car Specialists in Albuquerque, and her support for the marque runs deep throughout her family. Her mother Jacque was the Chapter’s first President, and her brother was the late Karl Fox for whom we commemorate with our annual Karl Fox Memorial Fall Tour. She is survived by her father Dieter and her two teenage daughters, Alison and Jordan.

Many of us have grown to know and appreciate Monika over the years through her work and support at numerous NM BMW CCA events. She will be missed!

Photo of the Fuchs Fox Family

Jacque, Monika, Alison, Jordan and Dieter Fox at the 2007 NM BMW CCA Karl Fox Memorial Fall Tour
(Photo courtesy of David Penasa)


In honor of Monika, here is a reprint of an article about her daughters from the 2019 third quarter Rio Grande Redline newsletter, written by Phil Undercuffler.

Photo of Alison and Jordan Fuchs

Alison and Jordan Fuchs

Next Generations

One certainty of both life and the automotive industry is the constant drumbeat of evolution, as the birth of a new generation is anxiously awaited, launches, rises to prominence, reigns and is eventually overtaken by the next. Whether it be the newest 3 series bread-n-butter platform, the recently renewed and exciting Z4, or the very membership of our august club. Skip ahead to pages 5 & 6 of this quarter’s newsletter to see images of our recent Spring Fiesta, many of which were captured by the budding photographic talent of Jordan Fuchs, who I believe I’ve overheard laying out her plans for eventual domination of her mother’s vehicle fleet. Or at least one specific vehicle…
The passion we bring to these cars and this club is inherited by the next generation, and the chase continues!