By Sue Johnson
It was Spring 1999 when my husband and I became BMW owners for the first time. A friend of ours’ lease was about to expire and he offered to sell it to us. One drive with the top down, windscreen up and the smell of Russian olive blooming and birds singing convinced us to buy his 1996 328i convertible. It was not until several years later that I gave my husband a BMW CCA membership and then in 2014, I became a member to attend Oktoberfest in Colorado. We both enjoy attending the various meetings whether it is a Tech Session or a drive to some part of New Mexico or in the past, a “Drive 4 Corners” event. I enjoy taking photos of our trips and sharing them in our chapter’s newsletter as it captures the places and people we meet and have become friends with.
Since that first BMW, we have had 7 or 8 bimmers and maybe more, but who’s counting? Some have had a more special place in my heart like the Imola Red 2005 330ci with ZHP we bought in Lubbock, TX in 2009. Then there was the 2012 Alpine White 335is coupe with performance exhaust we found in Denver in 2013 that only had 147 miles on it and had been sitting at the dealership for a year. We traded in the 335is a few years back as I decided I really wanted a 2018 Estoril Blue M240i xDrive coupe. We also have a 2014 535d xDrive that we continue to enjoy with its 700 mile fuel range and almost 40 mpg. We ordered both cars and eagerly tracked the car’s build as well as using the Shipfinder app to track it crossing the Atlantic Ocean. We took Performance Center Delivery on both vehicles and really enjoyed the aspect of picking the cars up in Spartanburg, getting to participate in the driving school, and having a great road trip back home. Driving the M240 back to New Mexico, I was able to drive the legendary Tail of the Dragon in Tennessee with 318 curves in 11 miles. The overall experience gave us, and in particular me, more confidence in the car, its safety features, and capabilities. Another added benefit was the rebates we received from BMW CCA on the cars we purchased.
Being a member of the BMW CCA New Mexico Chapter has been a fun way to meet other enthusiasts, network and learn along the way. I have always felt welcomed and included and look forward to many more years of membership.